Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We have less than 48 hours to Thursday's critical ELUA meeting. Our coalition of concerned Area 1 residents has prepared a specific set of proposals and has distributed them to the members of the ELUA. These proposals offer specific alternatives to counter the current City RR zoning - which would allow a minimum base density of 3 units per acre. Additionally we are currently contacting ELUA members to ask that they support the original intentof the Annexation Settlement Agreement. Please email savesantafe@cybermesa.com or call 603 0986 for further information.

WE NEED YOU TO ATTEND THE MEETING, it is vital that we have a strong presence at this Thursday's ELUA meeting, to be held at 102 Grant Street at 6 PM. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS, WE NEED YOU. The neighborhood you save will be your own.

As a refresher, here is the SF New Mexicans editorial, and two excellent op-ed pieces here and here

Continue to contact the people involved on this: ELUA here, County and City here. Also contact our County representative Commissioner Vigil: vvigil@co.santa-fe.nm.us , 995-2755.

Thank you.

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