Saturday, June 6, 2009


The Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners is meeting Tuesday, June 9, 3 PM, at 102 Grant Street. Here is the agenda.

The is a provision for public comments at the start of the meeting. We should point out:

1. The ELUC recommended a 3 month delay in implementing the new Zoning Ordinance to allow for public input.
2. The ELUA ignored this recommendation and voted to implement the Ordinance immediately. This places development issues with the City, event though we are not yet formally annexed.
3. The ELUA has not yet determined if that vote is binding, as only 5 of the 7 members were present and voted.

We are sill residents of Santa Fe County, still taxpayers in Santa Fe County. The County Commissioners do still represent us and our voices should be heard.

Here is a re-post of the Editorial from The Santa Fe New Mexican.

Please spread the word.

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